Why does Second Fit need my date of birth?
The safety of our users is a top priority at Second Fit. To maintain a secure environment, we verify that anyone creating a Second Fit account is at least 13 years old – the minimum age required for buying and selling on Second Fit.
How can I provide or change my date of birth?
Simply navigate to Settings > Edit profile tap on ''Date of Birth'' and select your age.
Who can see my date of birth?
Your date of birth is private and not visible to other users. To see and review or update, go to your Second Fit settings and tap on edit profile.
Why do I need to give my date of birth, and what will you do with it?
Your date of birth is used to confirm that you meet the age requirements for using Second Fit. Additionally, understanding the age demographics of our users helps us enhance the overall experience for the entire Second Fit community. For more details on how we handle this information, refer to our Privacy Policy.
What if I'm over 13 but under 18 years old?
If you're setting up your account, note that our payment partner Stripe, may have additional requirements. In such cases, you might need assistance from a parent or guardian when setting up a payment method. Learn more about age requirements on Second Fit.
What if I provided the wrong date of birth? Can I change it?
If there's an error when trying to edit your age in your edit profile, reach out to our Customer Support team. We might ask for a form of ID to verify and update your date of birth accurately. support@secondfit.com.au
How old do I have to be to use Second Fit?
How old do I have to be to use Second Fit?
You have to be 13 or older to sign up for Second Fit, and you must be over 18 for Stripe.
Stripe Payments
You need to be over 18 or meet the legal contract age in Australia. This age requirement is in place because creating a Stripe account involves agreeing to a legally binding contract, and all Second Fit sellers must hold a Stripe account to list items on the platform.
The SEecond Fit checkout system supports Apple Pay, Google Pay, and card payments directly through the Second fit app. This is entirely separate from a Stripe seller account but Stripe is the payment processing partner used by Seoncd Fit for all transactions.
Connecting your Stripe account is necessary to use Second Fit as a seller when listing items on Second Fit all transactions can be seen via the Stripe Express app.
If you're not 18 but wish to sell on Second Fit, we recommend discussing it with your parent or guardian. It's crucial to note that using anyone's Stripe account or payment when purchasing via card without permission is illegal.
How old do I have to be to use Second Fit?
How old do I have to be to use Second Fit?
You have to be 13 or older to sign up for Second Fit, and you must be over 18 for Stripe.
Stripe Payments
You need to be over 18 or meet the legal contract age in Australia. This age requirement is in place because creating a Stripe account involves agreeing to a legally binding contract, and all Second Fit sellers must hold a Stripe account to list items on the platform.
The Second Fit checkout system supports Apple Pay, Google Pay, and card payments directly through the Second fit app. This is entirely separate from a Stripe seller account but Stripe is the payment processing partner used by Seoncd Fit for all transactions.
Connecting your Stripe account is necessary to use Second Fit as a seller when listing items on Second Fit all transactions can be seen via the Stripe Express app.
If you're not 18 but wish to sell on Second Fit, we recommend discussing it with your parent or guardian. It's crucial to note that using anyone's Stripe account or payment when purchasing via card without permission is illegal.
Why does Second Fit need my date of birth?
The safety of our users is a top priority at Second Fit. To maintain a secure environment, we verify that anyone creating a Second Fit account is at least 13 years old – the minimum age required for buying and selling on Second Fit.
How can I provide or change my date of birth?
Simply navigate to Settings > Edit profile tap on ''Date of Birth'' and select your age.
Who can see my date of birth?
Your date of birth is private and not visible to other users. To see and review or update, go to your Second Fit settings and tap on edit profile.
Why do I need to give my date of birth, and what will you do with it?
Your date of birth is used to confirm that you meet the age requirements for using Second Fit. Additionally, understanding the age demographics of our users helps us enhance the overall experience for the entire Second Fit community. For more details on how we handle this information, refer to our Privacy Policy.
What if I'm over 13 but under 18 years old?
If you're setting up your account, note that our payment partner Stripe, may have additional requirements. In such cases, you might need assistance from a parent or guardian when setting up a payment method. Learn more about age requirements on Second Fit.
What if I provided the wrong date of birth? Can I change it?
If there's an error when trying to edit your age in your edit profile, reach out to our Customer Support team. We might ask for a form of ID to verify and update your date of birth accurately. support@secondfit.com.au